USD 407 News

RUSSELL-The Kansas State Department of Education has awarded USD 407 Russell County a 21st Century Community Learning Grant. The 5-year, $450,000 competitive grant will provide funding for staffing and resources for an after school program for students in Kindergarten-5th grade at Simpson (K-1) and Bickerdyke (2-5) Elementary Schools.

The Capitalizing on Achievement and Partnerships for Students (CAPS) program will begin at the start of the 2021-2022 school year with the purpose to provide support and enrichment opportunities for Simpson and Bickerdyke Elementary students. It will begin immediately after school and end at 5:00, Monday-Thursday when school is in session. Additionally, students will be able to enroll in summer programming throughout the duration of the grant.

Bickerdyke Elementary School Principal Andrew Dempewolf said, “We are ecstatic to be awarded this grant through the Kansas State Department of Education to provide an excellent opportunity for our students to get the support that they need and programming to take their learning further outside of the traditional school day.”

Current Simpson Elementary School Principal Jordan Perez continued, “This opportunity will be amazing for our district. Looking at our data and following a pandemic, we know and understand that we must provide opportunities for additional learning support. Moreover, this opportunity gives our students additional time together to address social/emotional needs. This also helps our parents with by providing after school coverage.”

Enrollment in the CAPS program will open August 9th to all students enrolled; though spaces are limited. Parents interested in enrolling their student should contact Simpson Elementary at (785) 483-6180 or Bickerdyke Elementary at (785) 483-6066.

Shelly Swayne, Superintendent